About Me

Art by friend 'Banana'

Hi! My name is Sian, but a long time ago I used to go by the online-alias Aqua. I'm from the North of England, near Manchester in the UK. I first got interested in websites in 2007, when I was 12 after discovering Piczo, a website building platform popular with teenagers. From there, I started my own string of personal websites: I was really into anime and games and through Piczo I met a good group of friends who also had websites. I learnt HTML and CSS over the period of time I was involved with these friends and outgrew Piczo until I finally had my own fully coded website hosted and uploaded through an FTP server. Ultimately my hobby fizzled out in around 2012 when I got really into Tumblr. But ever since that time, I've felt a sort of empty hole left over from my time with my website. It holds a dear place in my heart, for a myriad of reasons (some too personal to share here). On Neocities, I am glad to finally have this important part of my life archived and easily accessible for others who are now finding the same enjoyment in web-design as I once did.

Some quick facts about me:

Who is the mascot of the site?

Glad you asked! The character on the header is (coincidentally!) also called Aqua. She is an avatar I used to represent myself online when I was younger and she is based on my at-the-time interest in Vocaloid and other music like The Cure. Her hair, bass and arm wrap are inspired by the bass-player Simon Gallup and her headphones and belt are inspired by Hatsune Miku. She even had her own voice bank, but it wasn't very good. If you want to listen to her you can hear her here: